*Seth, 26-The Wholesome Date


  • So sweet

  • Great communicator

  • Well-rounded interests

  • Tall, good looking, great hair

  • Cultured

  • Lots of things in common


  • A bit young

  • Didn’t physically connect…yet

I initially matched with Seth back in February when I first got on the apps. He was cute, super tall, sporty, kinda preppy, light brown hair and blue eyes… woof. He had pictures sailing, playing rugby and snowboarding- he seemed really cool. But what stood out to me on his profile was that he was Buddhist. BUDDHIST!!?? This white guy is Buddhist? Interesting…

He asked me if I wanted to grab a drink or coffee and talk about travel and musical theatre (lol). I told him I was in Sri Lanka for the month but I’d be back in March!

Me: “Are you actually Buddhist?”

(I don’t know- guys say some weird stuff for attention.)

Turns out he is. His dad is Tibetan Buddhist and pretty devout. He even spent a few months in India visiting some Buddhist temples. One of his prompts on Hinge was his best travel story- which was that he bathed in the Ganges… and then spent a week in the hospital after bathing in the Ganges. I thought that was f*cking hilarious. No offense… but what the hell were you thinking.

We chatted for a few days and then… I ghosted him. There was nothing wrong with him- I was just busy on my trip spending time with my family and friends. And at that point, I just wasn’t that invested in my online dating journey. I briefly started dating someone in Sri Lanka and… well, that’s a whole different story. But the point is, I deleted the apps.

He started following me on Instagram but we didn’t speak for a few months. Fast forward to July and he messaged me again. Well, well, well… if it isn’t the cutie that followed me on IG. We start talking again, but this time I was in Jordan for a wedding.

S: “Seems like a pattern, we only chat when you’re in a different country (laughing emoji). When do you return”

Me: “Haha that’s true we did talk the last time when I was in Sri Lanka. I’m back now! Got in at 6 am this morning”

I told him I was exhausted though and felt like I was coming down with something. Turns out everyone at the wedding got the Flu… it was rough.

S: “We should get dinner once you get through the post trip quarantine period. Would love to get to know you”

There’s something about this guy… he has just the right amount of politeness, with just the right amount of assertiveness. I love when guys don’t beat around the bush.

We decided to plan a date for when I felt better. I had all of 3 brain cells left after having a brutal fever and didn’t even have it in me to offer recommendations. Thankfully he took the lead, and we decided to meet at a little Italian restaurant.

We sat down at the table across from each other. He was…so handsome… and I was just taking in his amazing bone structure and blue eyes and perfectly cut hair.

HOWEVER- I DO NOT recommend sitting across from each other on a first date (unless you are actively trying to avoid touching each other). It’s just too far. Most of my dates have been sitting at the bar… and that’s really the way to go. Anyway- thankfully the conversation was amazing. Even without being physically close, we really bonded over our stories. I got to hear the Ganges river hospitalization story in person, which was just as funny as I’d imagined it would be. He talked about his trips to Iceland and Greece. I was totally fascinated…

Me: “Wow, usually I’m the one with the good travel stories.”

S: “Oh shit, I used up all my good stories on the first date.”

He was silly… but reserved. I feel like one of those people that opens up more with time. I learned a bit more about him. He played rugby in college, was a huge fan of the Baltimore Ravens, and is a big golfer.

He ordered the eggplant parm and told me how much he loves eggplants. I told him I love them too, (one of my favorite Sri lankan dishes is this deep fried eggplant dish called “wambatu,” and MmmmMmmm it’s so good). Anyway, I’m probably an annoying date because I got the steak and ordered it rare.

He started talking about musical theatre because I had something on my profile about performing a one man show of Chicago. I had also forgotten that he brought up musical theatre the first time he asked me out in February because… that was five f*cking months ago. Anyway- I’m totally shocked at this revelation. This guy, the Ravens season ticket holder, is also into musical theatre?… Not saying the two are mutually exclusive… but I don’t know… I was surprised.

The more we talked, the more I realized we had a lot in common. We both have close friend groups, are obsessed with Trader Joe’s ice cream sandwiches, and love karaoke. He was super super nice, and I was really enjoying the date. I just wish we got to be a bitttt more flirty. When we finished dinner he walked me to my car. This is the point of every date when I’m either thinking “PLEASE GOD don’t try to kiss me and make this awkward”, ORRR… I look like the drooling emoji. Also, personal opinion- if the kiss didn’t happen organically on the date, don’t try it for the first time when you’re saying goodbye. It’s just awkward and kinda forced.

So he walks me to my car and tells me he had a really good time, and definitely wants to see me again. As I’m looking up at him… and like really looking up because the guy is like 6’4… I was thinking, damn, even if I wanted to kiss him, I’d need to be on my tippy toes, or in heels, to even reach his face. Anyway, I said I had a great time too and we hugged… super wholesome. He told me to text him when I got home.

We’ve texted every day since. He’s an amazing communicator, and really thoughtful. I texted him for his birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (celebration emoji, wine emoji, eggplant emoji, pasta emoji, cookie emoji, ice cream emoji). I was referring to the eggplant parmesan he got on our date and our beloved Trader Joe’s chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches. But wow, if you told me I’d be sending my dates eggplant emojis in a nonsexual way, I wouldn’t have believed you. Talk about wholesome content.

Anyway, I was out with friends one night when he texted me asking how my night was going. I told him I went to a few rooftop bars and ended up back at my friends apartment, where we decided to watch our favorite Bollywood songs on Youtube (lol).

S: “I actually know a few Bollywood movies. Had a phase with my family lmao”

He then proceeds to LIST OFF ALL THE BOLLYWOOD MOVIES HE’S SEEN. Like…. WHATTTTT??? I’m shook.

Okay so- this guy- is gorgeous, sails, golfs, snowboards, is a rugby state champion, a huge Ravens fan, went to boarding school- seems like a total frat bro on paper…

but… is also sweet, loves cooking, is super knowledgeable about Buddhism, does karaoke for fun, is into musical theatre… AND watches Bollywood?!??

Um… this is like the most well-rounded person I’ve ever met in my life.

The flirtation has definitely ramped up over text, so I’m super excited to see how that translates in person.

We have our second date tomorrow…

I’ll make sure to wear my 5 inch heels.

Dating 101 Key Take Aways:

Timing is everything. Things happen when they’re supposed to. If we had actually met back in February, I probably wouldn’t have been in the right place to date after my break up.

Also, sitting across from each other makes it harder to see if you have physical chemistry. Bar seats are great for first dates.


*Seth, 26-UPDATE


*Carter, 34-The Group Date