*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 5


  • SO funny and goofy

  • Super attractive (Blond surfer vibe)

  • Insane chemistry

  • Really nice

  • Knows good restaurants

  • Organic connection

  • Amazing dancer

  • Gentleman

  • Assertive

  • BDE


  • Not the best communicator

And just like that… 3 days later… I was back in Lisbon.

J: Lemme know when you arrive and all tomorrow
J: I got a couple meetings in the morning but afternoon is pretty free

Me: No worries I’ll probably be pretty tired anyway
Me: And I can occupy myself while you’re working. I know the drill (joking emoji)

J: Ahaha mi casa es tu casa

Me: Made myself pretty comfortable the first time :P

I got to Jamie’s place from the airport and he came down to meet me at the door.

Me: Can you believe I’m back?

I can’t remember what he said, but he smiled and hugged me and took my suitcase. I was giddy… he looked good. He was in his typical home uniform… white button down (for his meetings), shorts and flip flops.

Damn, I really thought I was never gonna see him again.

I followed him up the stars as he carried up my suitcases. I was kind of thinking ‘woah, I had no idea this would happen when I came up these stairs for the first time 2 weeks ago.’ (It was actually a little over two weeks, but whatever.)

It was nice coming back to his apartment. It’s funny, I spent less than 48 hours there but it seemed so familiar. (Maybe I made myself too much at home lol)

He put down my bags and we talked in the kitchen a bit. I went to get some water and he put his hand on my back as I walked past him. ………uuuuufff ya’ll know I’m a physical touch girlie. We kept talking…I told him about Italy and the wedding… the job..etc… I think I kept saying I was happy to be back too.

J: I’m happy you came back

Me: Yeah you fumbled that first time… (joking)

We laughed and he kissed me (MmmMmm)… and we gave each other a look… That look.

Me: When’s your next meeting?

He smiled… “I have time”

We kept kissing as we walked into his room… You know the backwards walk?(hothothothothot)

Well, no time wasted there. Welcum back to Lisboaaaa.

Jamie got up for his meeting and I stayed in bed. My flight was kind of early so I wanted to sleep for a bit. I woke up starving… it was about lunch time and I tip toed to the kitchen to see if he was in another meeting. Nope, he was just sitting there looking hot writing emails.

Me: What should we do for lunch?
J: I have a few things in the fridge, but we might need a few things from the store. I can make something after my meeting…

(points for offering to cook)

Me: No, don’t worry! I’ll make something.. You have work, I’m on vacation

I opened his fridge and took inventory….

hmmmtypical boy fridge. Not a lot lol.

Me: Okay, where’s the store? I’ll grab a few things. I wanted to go on a walk anyway!

He gave me directions and then opened up his wallet

J: Here

(hot for offering)

Me: Nooo… It’s just a few things. You’re hosting me.

J: It’s fineee

(hot for insisting)

Me: No, I wanna treat you!

I kissed him and I left. It was a gorgeous sunny day… I walked the cobblestone streets of Alfama just taking in how beautiful it was. I was in such a good mood. I was excited (and a little nervous) to cook something for us. I feel like that’s the ultimate love language.

I got back to his apartment and asked if I should wait for him to finish his meeting before I started cooking. I mean his desk was literally in the kitchen and I didn’t wanna be making too much background noise. I can’t remember if he was on mute or what but he said it was fine and I could start. I was just making some chicken and salad.

J: When I’m done with my meeting I can help

(Hooooottttt- we love a helpful man!)

I was acquainting myself with his kitchen. You know that little awkwardness when you use a kitchen that’s not yours for the first time? Like you don’t know where everything is, or their unspoken kitchen rules etc. etc. The first time I was at his house I obviously wasn’t using the kitchen for more than getting a glass of water. Whatever, I winged it… and I was actually feeling so… good. Idk how to explain it… but… it was just peaceful. I felt at peace. I was so comfortable in my freaking blue and white dress I wore for 80% of my vacation, (no bra) so flowy and vibey, no makeup, hair just naturally wavy doing its thing, hands cutting up some fresh produce…. checking out the hottie to my right… absolutely oblivious that I keep staring at him.

As soon as he finished his meeting he jumped up and put his hands on my waist.

J: Alright what can I do!

He was genuinely so eager to help. We kissed and I think I had him cut up some mozzarella for the salad. Uuff…. these moments... Cooking together, grabbing something with your fingers and throwing it in your mouth while you’re talking… those are the best. I’m sure he was making me laugh because.. he’s just like that. I grew up watching my dad help my mom in the kitchen, singing and twirling her around. They had fun together. So I think it’s something that will always be important to me. A guy that jumps in and helps out (even better if he’s cooking for me hehehe)… but generally just someone that can make boring things fun.

I was cooking the chicken and Jamie turned me around and kissed me. He kind of backed me into the wall near the stove and clocked his head and leaned in. (Ahhhh when guys tilt their head like that before kissing you aksjdfakjfh;kha;esjd). The make out was getting steamier than the chicken on the stove….

J: I love this dress….

And then we started… uhhh……


We danced in the kitchen
We jumped on the bed
We danced on the counter
I even hit my head.
We danced on the couch
And we danced in his room
We paused for lunch
And then hit resume.
He loved my cooking
“It’s so good” he said
After his meeting, I gave him some …


We were twisted together
Doing the Argentine tango
And after that
I cut us a mango.
He finished work
And I rested my head
And when I woke up
He told me Queen Lizzie was dead.
I was changing my clothes
Told him I used to be thinner
He said I was perfect
And we went out to dinner…

Did you love that random poem. The first sentence rhymed, so I just went with it (lol!!)

Anyway… all three days I was there pretty much went like that.

We would have lunch at home, and go out for dinner. Walk around, share a cigarette, get some drinks, share food (he always ordered, he’s the best at ordering)… and then come back.. dance.. watch a documentary… dance some more… fall asleep on the couch.. one of us would wake up the other and then sleepwalk to bed.

The first night we went out for drinks, and then to this famous Lisbon seafood restaurant, Ramiro. There was a little wait (apparently there’s always a wait) but the food was just okay… good- but I preferred the place we went to the first night we met. I thought the food was slightly better, but, I dunno, maybe it had sentimental value to me already lol. Anyway, he had me try a barnacle… which is terrifying to look at really. Not to be crude, but it looks like a sea d*ck. He said the flavor was mild and it wasn’t gross at all. He taught me how to twist the top off and pull out the meat(?) (Can you call the inside of that meat? idk?..). I was freaked out but amused at the same time. But I loved all the food experiences I was getting with him.

It was a Thursday, so we decided to have a chill night and go out the next day. We went back to his place and started watching the documentary “Trainwreck: Woodstock ‘99.” We “Netflix and chilled” so obviously missed a few episodes oops. I was soooo tired after and fell asleep on the couch. The next day he asked me if I remembered him waking me up… lol.. no, I was for sure still asleep. But somehow he got me to bed and I slept like a baby.

Day two was pretty similar… I guess even a little better ‘cause I got to wake up next to him. He’s really a top tier cuddler. I think he just instinctively… gets it. You know that tiktok sound “happy happy happyyyyyy” ahaha- that was me.. (Okay guys, I’ve been in an 8 year relationship, I know it doesn’t always stay like that and sometimes it’s nice to just have your space. But more times than not, idk- I love it.. lol.)

Anyywayy, as usual, he got up before me and did a few meetings. I eventually moseyed over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Out of nowhere I hear him belting “OOOooooHHHHH SAYYY CAN YOU SEEEEEEEEEE” in his weird little nasally voice he sometimes just puts on for fun.

I’m like…

??? Wut.

What the f*ck? lolllll

He was literally just sooo ridiculous.

J: After being in a lot of meetings and having to be serious for a long time, I just have to be kind of weird to balance it out

God… he’s f*cking amazing. He’s just true to himself and so funny and kind and light and being around him made ME feel light too. I think after fighting so hard in my last relationship…. (something that clearly wasn’t working and was never going to work), I just felt completely drained. My bucket was empty. Less than empty… I was in the negatives. And whether Jamie was in my life for a short time or a long time… he literally filled my bucket up again. I really didn’t remember the last time I felt so light.

Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty similar to the day before. We made lunch together. I made salad to start, Jamie made spaghetti with Chorizo for our main. After we ate, I tried to clean up the kitchen a bit. He had a few more meetings and I didn’t have much else to do.

J: No, leave it

Me: It’s fine you have work, I can tidy up

J: Stop it!! I’ll do it

I mean the hottest thing ever when guys share household responsibilities!! That sh*t makes girls horny. He sent a few emails and then popped out of his chair and pulled me away from the kitchen. For dessert… we had a chocolate vanilla ~swirl if you catch my drift ;)

(sorry- you guys are getting nerd humor today bc that’s my mood)

After his meetings, he finished cleaning the kitchen. (Uuuuufff we love a mannnnnnn.)

Okay anyway, it was Friday so this was our partay night. I didn’t really do Lisbon nightlife properly the first time around so had to experience it this time. First we got ready for dinner at his apt. We were listening to some music and possibly drinking some wine… Idk what I was doing in the kitchen but I was facing the wall. All of a sudden I hear- (don’t laugh at me for trying to explain this so badly)

Da da da-da-daaaaa, da da da-da-da-daaaa, DA-DA!

(this is like when your friend is humming a song and you have no idea what song they’re humming LOL)

But it was the start of Bobby Caldwell’s song “What You Won't Do for Love

And I- love this song.

So I’m like straight up jamming to this song (as per my many rehearsals in my car), and giving the performance of a lifetime to the kitchen sink, and I turn around and Jamie is across the kitchen island jamming equally as hard. And once we notice each other, we just start vibing.

My friends wonder WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH MEE?

~Well I'm in a daaaaze, from your looove, you seeeeeee…

I. CAME. BACK. TO. LET. YOU KNOoOoWW (might have gone a lil hard on that part ehe)…

Got a thing for youuuuu…. and I can't let gOooo………….

(daaa daa daaa)

Some people go around the world for looove… but they may never fiIIIiiind, what they dream OOoooOooOooof.


~do for love?…”

We’ve danced in the kitchen, and now we’ve sung in the kitchen…

Honestly, iconic moment.


Dating 101 Key Take Aways:

Find someone that fills your bucket. That energizes you instead of drains you, and lifts you up instead of weighs you down.


*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 6 (Season Finale)


*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 4