*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 6 (Season Finale)


  • SO funny and goofy

  • Super attractive (Blond surfer vibe)

  • Insane chemistry

  • Really nice

  • Knows good restaurants

  • Organic connection

  • Amazing dancer

  • Gentleman

  • Assertive

  • BDE

  • Patient


  • N/A

That night, after an amazing tapas dinner… Jamie and I hit the town. We met up with some of his friends, and went to this kind of grungy… outdoor rave party (??).

I liked his friends, they were cool. Nice and welcoming (always a good sign when someone has good friends). So anyway, this party was… I don’t even really know how to describe where it was… lol…but it had the best view of the Ponte 25 de Abril (the bridge that gives Lisbon that San Fran vibe.)

I knowwwww… no one says San Fran, but let me live!!

Anyway, it was packed… there was loud house music…. this abandoned crumbling building that Jamie and I would wander off and make out in… it was fun! I think my favorite part was just sitting by the water with his friends and taking in the view though… being so close to the bridge… overlooking the water at night.. it was really breathtaking.

After a while, I think we had enough of the underground rave scene and decided to head back to the city. I wanted to go clubbing and Jamie was down to make it happen. He was always really supportive of things I wanted to do/see/eat. Even though I’m definitely more of the type A planner… he had a really chill way of making sure we did everything I said I wanted to do when I came back. I texted him a list before I got there that went something like:

-eat crabs
-lisbon nightlife
-go to the beach

Check, check, check, check, CHECKK!! We really did all that and more.

Anyway we got to the club and met a few more of his friends. I’m sure they were probably just confused as to who I was but supportive of their bro anyway lol. Everyone was super nice. I made a few girlfriends at the club too! (Shoutout Mafalda ur a queen). Anyway, hmmm… I feel like it’s always good to notice how guys treat you in front of their friends. Like that’s either a major green flag or a major red flag. And Jamie was… as expected, just cool af. Warm, kind, inclusive… he was never distant or cold, or weird with me in front of his friends. Some guys really freeze up and its like…. thaw out babes it’s not that serious...

He was a really good level of warm and affectionate, but for sure wasn’t like super PDA either. I mean we just had fun make outs in the club bathroom. Oooo the thrill of it all!

Just BTW- a shoutout to the girls I met that night because they were literally SO cool. When Jamie and I decided it was time to head home, they literally pulled me aside, and were like “Are you fine? You’re okay to go home with him?” And I giggled and was like “yes, I’m actually staying with him, but thank you!!” We really love women looking out for other women and making sure they’re okay and safe, and I just LOVED that. Definitely hitting her up next time I’m in Lisbon.

Anyway, we got back to Jamie’s place and put on the documentary we started the night before. I was in a towel since I had jumped in the shower, but I was so comfortable…. I walked into the living room and he was already laying down… he looked sleepy. He opened up his arm and I just laid down next to him. No words… just one of those things where you don’t need words. We just cuddled and watched the documentary.

Pretty early on I could feel him breathing into my shoulder and I knew he fell asleep. I don’t really know how to explain how I was feeling… peaceful, relaxed, happy….. but also I knew I was enjoying it way too much. And feeling so good about something so temporary is dangerous territory. Ugh… it’s crazy how it’s possible to feel so good and kind of sad at the same time… like when you’re in a happy moment and you’re already missing it before it’s even over. You know? Anyway, I was pretty tired too but I made it through a few episodes and then I slowly woke him up so we could go to bed. And that’s a wrap on day 2… One day left….

The next morning, we were … *cough… horizontal

Our faces were super close together, (sorry in advance for sounding super cheesy, but- it is what it is) and I was looking into his eyes.. that amazing golden honey color… looking at the freckles on his nose… noticing how nice his eyebrows are…. just taking in his whole face… And I remember thinking…

J: I’m really gonna miss this

Wait did he just read my mind? That was crazy…

No.. no, he didn’t... I mean, of course I’m gonna miss this, but I’m also gonna miss YOU. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck… FUUUUUCK! OH NOOOOO! I caught feelings.

I’m a dead duck.

I knew it was gonna inevitably fizzle out… and I’m not saying I was gonna be absolutely crushed or anything…but…. is that ever fun for anyone?


And I don’t always like people… I mean, I actually have to like you as a person, be attracted to you, have emotional and physical chemistry… aaand you can’t give me the ick (most guys do) blablabla… the list goes on… so…. fml, when I like someone, I actually really like them.

Well… whatever. I was distracted mid thought because Jamie was throwing the pipe is hot, and I was like ‘lemme live in the moment’.

I had one more day, and I was gonna enjoy it.

We decided to take the ferry and go to the beach. We took one of those rentable motorcycles and zipped around the city to get to the ferry. I was really living my best Lizzie Mcguire life (even more than the first night we met). We got to this intersection and there was a tonnn of traffic… we didn’t really know what was going on. Turns out there was a parade blocking off the street. Jamie just starts dancing on the bike as we’re all stopped in traffic as the parade passed through the intersection. This guy…. always as light as a feather. Never stressed or pressed. Just so fun to be around. Anyway, it was gonna take forever to get through the traffic so Jamie backed up the bike and we took a longer way to get to the ferry… I was loving every second of this trip so I didn’t mind at all. I was actually happy we got to zip around for a bit longer.

We took the ferry (tbh I can’t remember to where) and then got a taxi to get to the beach. Jamie always, always had one hand on my thigh if we were in a car together. Even in Lisbon, if we ever took an Uber- hand on thigh. Always.

Do I even have to say it???

You know I love that sh*t!!!! :D

(Physical touch girlies rejoice).

Anyway, I had no idea where we were, but this was like Jamie’s playground so he got us there. We found some beach chairs and then put our feet in the water. It was cold… but refreshing. It was just nice to be in the ocean, we both have an affinity for water. Anyway, Jamie goes and actually swims… the waves were massive too… I stayed on the shore and watched.

Guys… let me tell you…. let me tellllll youuuuuuuu

I thought Jamie was hot before- but………….. seeing him walk out of the ocean… dripping wet, little water droplets falling off his naturally sun kissed, highlighted blond head…. his freckles……… his smile…. (does he have a dimple I never noticed before??)………………………. ooooooohhhhhhh myyyyy GOD…. Nono…. TRULY… *chefs kiss.

Funny enough, I got part of it on video. Not the beginning, I was too mesmerized. (I wonder if he’ll let me post it). But I caught the end… wheww, and when I got back to the states, sometimes (all the time) I would just go through my camera roll and reminisce. And on two occasions, my younger brother hovers over my shoulder and goes “Damn, that’s a really good looking man” LOL. Okay Dilan.

Anyway, we got lunch at the beach (there was a DJ, it was vibey….) but we were tired…. and he was mildly hungover. And actually a bit quieter than usual. *Cue overthinker brain and me thinking this guy is totally sick of me by now lol. So we head back after lunch.

As soon as we get home, Jamie goes “I’ve been waiting all day to do this.”

Readers, what was Jamie referring to?

A) smoke

B) smash

C) sleep

Final answer?


Okay well the correct answer is B, but we actually did D) all the above.

Well after a fabulous nap (I mean how good is a post smoke and smash nap), we woke up, showered and discussed our plans for dinner. It was my last night :’( ….. and I wanted to do something special. I was in the weirdest food mood though. Like I didn’t know what I wanted. AHAHAH I know this is like really cliché.. the whole girl not knowing what she wants to eat thing. But usually I have a good idea!! We sat on the couch as he patiently listed off foods.

J: Pizza?

Me: Mmmmm usually yes.. but no..

J: Thai?..

Me: (shakes head) Nothing heavy….

Etc etc etc… We already did seafood, we already did tapas………

J: Sushi?


Omg, yesss.. that is exactly what I was in the mood for. We were in the mood to ball out so we decided to go to Confraria LX. Honest to God, best sushi I’ve ever had in my life. But wait I’ll get there.

Before dinner we grabbed a drink at one of those lookout points. The thing with these European cities is that, even if it’s nothing fancy, just some chairs and a tables and wine served in plastic cups… the surroundings are so unbelievably beautiful, there’s just so much pleasure in these simple things. Jamie told me sometimes after work he would just go to these lookout points and grab a drink with friends. Anyway, it was a beautiful night, and there was this massive MASSIVE red/orange moon out that night. (I actually was so confused and thought it was the sun eheh… and Jamie definitely roasted me, but I’ve never seen the moon so huge and red!!). I literally had to google what the hell was going on with the moon on September 10th, 2022 and well… it was a harvest moon. I’m not really an astrology person but I thought it was pretty spectacular.

Basically this article explains that “After sunset around the time of any full moon, the moon will always be near the horizon. It’ll have just risen. It’s the location of the moon near the horizon that causes the Harvest Moon – or any full moon – to look big and orange in color…. The September full moon – the Harvest Moon – happens overnight on September 9, 2022. This full moon lies near Jupiter and Saturn. The moon will rise only shortly after sunset – and look full – on the night of September 10, 2022, too.”

Okay I told you guys in the beginning of this that sometimes I go off on random tangents.. usually they become relevant later on and sometimes they don’t. I just thought this was cool.. lol. But I mean… right place right time… I was like at the perfect place to witness this incredible moon. I felt really lucky. And I was in great company!

Anyway, Jamie and I got our pre- dinner drinks and just sat there chatting… Kind of nice, we we never really had any awkward pauses or ran out of things to talk about…. It always just flowed. I’m a freak about documenting things, and I always love taking pictures and being behind the camera, but… I asked Jamie if he could take a picture of me. I tried to be ~ sultry and cool and do my smize (when you smile with your eyes lol).

J: Is the flash on, yeah

Me: (Smizing…. smizing….)
Me: (realizing the flash is staying on)
Me: (laughing) Is this a video??

Jamie just chuckled and nodded.

I’m actually glad it was a video. It literally captured how happy I was. I think it’s my favorite video I’ve ever seen of myself actually. I can be pretty self critical… and I really just look so natural and amazing (#humble). I think a few days of good food, good laughs and some good old vitamin D will do that to you… Jk lol, I really do think people look their best when they’re happy though. I think they kind of radiate from the inside out.

Anyway we finished our drinks and then walked to the restaurant. We got some sashimi to start and then we ordered the tasting platter. There were two of each kind of sushi so I highly recommend getting it if you go with another person (on a date or with a friend or whatever). So.. I asked Jamie if we could eat eat each sushi at the same time so we could discuss ahahahaha. But okay here’s my reasoning- I feel like you can’t really feel what’s going on in someone else’s body or mind… (like you can’t feel someone else’s pleasure or pain in the same way that they’re experiencing it). It’s difficult to experience the same sensation someone else is having… and like okay I get people have different taste buds, but I feel like eating the same thing at the same time is as close as we will get to having the same experience as someone else. Idk if I explained that well but anyway.. Jamie really indulged my ridiculousness. He was always really nice about that.

We would take one piece of sushi each and put it in our mouths and our eyes would light up. Wowwwww.. wowowow.

J: This sushi is BANGING!

Lol Jamie always says banging if he likes something.

MmmMmmmm…. it was incredible oh my God. We would rate each one and discuss what we liked and didn’t like ahaha. For dessert we shared this amazing soft brownie with ice cream. Just saying if you ever go to get that. Yummy Yummy Yummy…

Wanna know the funniest thing about this night? ….. guess what all the waitresses were wearing?


I was literally matching the waitresses.. down to the white sneakers…. When I got up to go to the bathroom, Jamie took a picture of me walking past two of them…. it was like a glitch in the matrix. (Just wait until you see that picture… so crazy)

Anyway… after dinner we were gonna rent one of those motorcycles to get back. But there was only one at that specific stand and it wasn’t working. There were some electric scooters right next to it and we kinda gave each other that “f*ck yeah let’s do it” look. (Earlier that day when we got off the ferry we saw this couple going in circles on one and we thought it was so funny).

So like two nerds, we get on this scooter. I was laughing sooooo hard. The cobble stones are not even at all so we’re like shaking the whole way back… it was a very bumpy ride home.. Imagine- I’m standing in front, Jamie is right behind me actually navigating us, the cake is caking…. I’m sure he was loving it. I was too, but for other reasons..

And then we spent the rest of the night at at his place… just enjoying our last night together…

I flew out the next day… not super early, so we had some time in the morning to hang out.

There was no melodramatic goodbye or anything. He carried my suitcases down and waited with me until my Uber came. We talked about our favorite parts of the last 3 days. He asked me to send him the pictures I had on my phone. When my Uber got there I think we just hugged and I thanked him, and he said something like “have a safe trip, see you soon.” And that was it…

I think I was just like…… woah, did that really happen? I mean, I only spent 5 days with him total… (okay I was staying with him, so it was a good amount of quality time)…. but I didn’t expect to like him as much as I did. And I knew it would be stupid to have any expectations of that developing into anything.. and I didn’t. But still…. f*ck. I almost wished he had something that gave me the ick… or did something that annoyed me, but really……. he’s just great. Like I really couldn’t say a bad thig about him even if I tried. Even now… he’s been so supportive of the blog. He’s given me total creative freedom to write this how I experienced it… never asked me to change anything, even when I’ve given him first eyes and said I would. He was never anything but encouraging…

I mean I think it’s pretty obvious that even as a friend, I hold him in high regard.

But damn… why’d he have to be so cool, and funny, and nice, and hot, and smart, and goofy, and thoughtful?????

Goddamnit James-

Why did you have to be so f*cking likable.


Dating 101 Key Take Aways:

Sometimes, or actually a lot of times… catching feelings is out of our control. (What we do with those feelings is in our control). But you shouldn’t feel silly for having them. I’m working on that….


*Ben, 34- It’s not you, it’s me


*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 5