*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 7
SO funny and goofy
Super attractive (Blond surfer vibe)
Insane chemistry
Really nice
Knows good restaurants
Organic connection
Amazing dancer
So… after about 2 months of being home from Lisbon.. dating, and accepting that I probably wasn’t gonna see Jamie again… (at least not until I moved to Switzerland, and even then, probably not…) I was finally starting to get over my infatuation.
Besides the occasional DM or flirty whatsapp.. we weren’t really talking that much. Which is totally fine. (I’m fine.. i’M FiNe). It was like… a fun friendly, flirty vibe… which tbh, I had with a bunch of guys. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely caught feelings, and was wrestling with those feelings when I got back. But, he just didn’t seem that interested… so… I tried to get over that sh*t…
expeditiously. (-TI)
(Sometimes easier said than done, I know.)
Anyway, it was around the same time that I had reconnected with Logan. Well, I had actually reached out to Logan monthsssss before. Way before Lisbon. (I think I already said this but, Logan shot his shot the first time we met when I was in a relationship, and then, when I was single, I shot my shot back.) So, Logan and I had already talked about meeting up. I had a crush on this guy for like a year and a half, and played it really cool. So, it was long overdue. I had planned on being in Boston for Halloween to visit my bestie, and Logan and I had a date planned while I was there! (I got hoes in different area codes really applies to my life.) So in the weeks leading up to my trip, Logan and I were talking more and more… and my accidental feelings for Jamie were fading.
So tell me why……
EVERY GUY, TURNS INTO PETER F*CKING PARKER, and their spidey-senses start tingling when you’re getting over them!?!????
Isn’t that so true though? Like it’s always right when you’re getting over a guy that they pop back into your life.
Every time…
So literally the day I land in Boston…
Out of nowhere…
Jamie replies to one of my stories (it was a selfie and I looked fire)
J: Think I’m gonna be in Miami next week (eyes emoji)
Me: ooo is that so (eyes emoji)
Apparently he forgot about a flight he booked a few months before with a travel credit that was about to expire. He was thinking about doing a few days in the Bahamas or the Keys.
J: You gonna be around?
I meeeeeann, I was gonna be around. I’m a 2 hour direct flight from Miami. It’s not like it’s hard to get there. But….. The timinggggg…. Auuugghh…
Guys, as much as I’m like the biggest flirt ever, I’m also weirdly loyal and like, I don’t know… I felt... kind of… weird? Like I had just started talking to Logan… just started getting to know him better. And I was literally about to see him that weekend. I knoww, it’s not like I was committed to anyone. But I was still really new to dating. And honestly, I think I still struggle with this. Like I’m fine talking to multiple guys at the same time (that’s an average Tuesday baby… JK lol), but when it comes to actually hanging outtttt with more than one guy at a time.. or if there’s any overlap…. IDK… it’s not for me.
So I talked to one of my besties who is also a great advisor and confidante, and got the realest advice ever.
She was like: “Nay, have either of these guys committed to you?”
“Okay so you don’t owe them anything. And this is what dating is FOR. You’re supposed to play the field and see what you like and don’t like, and make as many experiences as you can, and then when you meet a guy that wants to commit to you, THEN you can stop dating other people. Until then you’re free to do whatever you want, and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. That’s literally the point of dating.”
Well damn… that makes sense.
Why did I feel mentally committed to people that weren’t committed to me?
That was a turning point for me. I realized, if someone likes you enough, they’ll take you off the market. Until then, it’s fair game.
Anyway, there’s no denying I wanted to see him again. Obviously the thought of spending time with him was exciting. And honestly, feelings aside, we had SO much fun together. Like.. so, so much fun.
(And you know how I feel about robbing yourself of fun experiences…..)
Me: yeah… i’ll be around
J: Well would you look at that
J: Looks like we have ourselves a 3peat
Dating 101 Key Take Aways:
You’re single until you’re taken.
Enjoy your hot girl summer.