Welcome to my Blog

Join me as I navigate the world of online dating for the first time, review my dates, and spill the tea.

Well, it was supposed to be an online dating blog… but now, it’s just a dating blog! Turns out, meeting people in person works just as well, if not better. Let’s find out…

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A date in my life.

*Mason, 29- The Surfer
Nay Nay

*Mason, 29- The Surfer

M: Damn…. You’re filling me up with testosterone (laughing). I feel like I’m pumped for my game tomorrow.

We were both laughing.

Then I realized- Oh shit, I’m supposed to meet up with my friends.

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*Nolan, 45- The Gentle Gangster: Part 2
Nay Nay

*Nolan, 45- The Gentle Gangster: Part 2

Nolan put one arm around me while the group was talking. I didn’t mind at all. Then he leans into my ear and says “can I have a kiss?”

Me: NOLAN!???

I looked at him in surprise, almost disbelief, but I was also laughing. I mean I wouldn’t put it past him to at least try. I know my chickens.

N: Ahaha okay, okay… half kiss? You can say no.

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*Karl, 45- Part 1: Five Hour Fling
Nay Nay

*Karl, 45- Part 1: Five Hour Fling

So whatever, we keep talking and he was just soooo nice and cute. Like he just had this really balanced, centered energy. Kind, fun, generous, handsome, smart, amazing job. It was like my dress was unzipping itself….

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*Karl, 45- Part 2: Ghosted
Nay Nay

*Karl, 45- Part 2: Ghosted

I mean, I know I can’t trust what guys say. Words are just words. We can say, fine- trust actions not words. But in my experience, I haven’t been able to trust actions either.

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*Dante, 35- Intergalactic P***y
Nay Nay

*Dante, 35- Intergalactic P***y

Me: What are you talking about? Planes? Helicopters? ….Drones?
He slightly shook his head. (he was already annoying me at this point but damn, good looking people get away with a lot. Life is not fair)
Me: Hot air balloons?
D: You know there’s other things that fly right?
Ew that was kinda condescending

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*Stefano, 35- The Freak
Nay Nay

*Stefano, 35- The Freak

I said sure without even thinking. As soon as I said it I was like, “what the f*ck… how do I get out of this.” I was just hoping he’d never text me. My friend was looking at me so confused because she knows he’s not the kind of guy I would be into…

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 9
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 9

After a while I was feeling …. idk I was just feeling. I knew these moments were fleeting. They would become memories… eventually distant memories. This happens to me a lot though.. even with my friends… anticipatory nostalgia. Missing something before it’s over. (Not very Buddhist live in the present of me). I kinda just wanted to slow down time... I got out of my chair and sat on his lap. But like… facing him so we could keep talking. It feels weird to say this now…but at the time, between the talking and kissing… it was like nothing outside of that balcony existed. I was in a blissful bubble.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 8
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 8

It was an intimate 5 days. It definitely wasn’t like super romantic. It felt more like a trip with one of your best friends. Like effortless and funny. But still intimate. 5 days of pretty much doing everything together.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 7
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 7

Don’t get me wrong, I definitely caught feelings, and was wrestling with those feelings when I got back. But, he just didn’t seem that interested… so… I tried to get over that sh*t…

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*Dalton, 35- Husband Material
Nay Nay

*Dalton, 35- Husband Material

… and to be fair I think he was kind of uncomfortable because he is really tall and that car is kind of tiny in the back. So mid make out he’s like “Ow my leg” …which is so Spongebob lol.

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*Ben, 34- It’s not you, it’s me
Nay Nay

*Ben, 34- It’s not you, it’s me

He was also dying over how good I smelled and… tbh I think there are other girls that just always smell f*cking amazing (like Rihanna), and I’m not one of them.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 6 (Season Finale)
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 6 (Season Finale)

I walked into the living room and he was already laying down… he looked sleepy. He opened up his arm and I just laid down next to him. No words… just one of those things where you don’t need words. We just cuddled and watched the documentary.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 5
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 5

I was cooking the chicken and Jamie turned me around and kissed me. He kind of backed me into the wall near the stove and clocked his head and leaned in. (Ahhhh when guys tilt their head like that before kissing you aksjdfakjfh;kha;esjd). The make out was getting steamier than the chicken on the stove….

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 4
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 4

Me: “Well I guess it’s just not in the cards this time”

Sometimes you just have to accept defeat. I had so much fun with him, but probably would never see him again. Fun memory, new friend… I’ll take it.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 3
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 3

My flight was at like 10- something, so I had planned on leaving at like 7. Around 5, I hear my phone buzz… Maybe my flight was delayed or something…

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*Sebastián, 37- The Spaniard: Part 1
Nay Nay

*Sebastián, 37- The Spaniard: Part 1

I realized I love PDA. Some people hate it- totally fine, it’s not for everyone. But, I love it. And I’m not gonna be apologetic about it either. 8 billion people in the world and you choose one. Yeah, be obsessed with me and let me be obsessed with you.

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*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 2
Nay Nay

*Jamie, 27- Lisbon Lover: Part 2

This guy got to wake up next to a baddie, go do his meeting, and then come right back to a baddie (yeah, even if I looked like a little crackhead, I’m still a bad b*tch). Then… out of nowhere, we hear his doorbell (wtf). I’m like… “are you expecting someone…?”

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